The <body> Section

<-- Home

This section contains all of what we see on the website. Here we put headings, paragraphs, tables, lists, pictures...

<h1>This is a Heading</h1>
<p>This is a Paragraph</p>

To draw a table we need to define it with all the rows and cells like this...

<th>Heading 1</th>
<th>Heading 2</th>
<td>Data 1</td>
<td>Data 2</td>
<td>Data 3</td>
<td>Data 4</td>

This code will make this table...

Heading 1 Heading 2
Data 1 Data 2
Data 3 Data 4

Notice how I styled the heading and data rows with CSS (look at the source to see).

Lists can be either ordered or unordered

<p>Here are some other things we can add</p>
<li>We can add an image using <img src = 'link to file' alt = 'description' />
<li>We can add a hyperlink to the homepage using <a href = 'home.html'>Home</a>