The <head> Section

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This website has a constant look because every page has the same style. There are lots of ways that we can change the appearance of the site but all of it goes in the <head> section.

To change the appearance of the site we use CSS. It looks like this...

body{ background-color:#fde; font:#000; font-family:sans-serif; }
h1{ text-align:center; }

These lines change anything within the <body> tags (ie the whole site) background colour, text colour and font, whilst anything between <h1> tags is centred.

.code{font-family:monospace; font:#444;}

If we want some of our text to be a different font, like the bits of code on this page, we can put these bits in a class. I called the class code so that I could tell what it was when I look back at the code after a while.

.explain{font:#000; font-family:sans-serif;}

Anything in the explain class has this style.


Look at the source code to see how this is used on this page.