

Among the Greek mathematicians, two stand out in my book.

One of them is Euclid, the genius behind the greatest mathematics book ever The Elements which is the most successful and influential textbook in history and I think I'm right in saying that it is the third most widely read book ever. Only religious books have been read by more people.

But he's not the Greek fella I'm getting to. I am thinking of Archimedes.


So what's so good about that. And what's it got to do with integration?

Well, the method he used was to cut the circle into millions of equal slices and rearrange tham to make (nearly) a rectangle.

In doing this, Archimedes was the first person to do what we now call integral calculus.

Where differentiation is all about rates of change (ie gradients) by looking at two very close points, integration is about finding areas (and volumes) by imagining the awkward shape to be made up of an infinite number of infinitisimal strips (much as Archimedes did). In C1 however we will think of integration as the opposite of differentiation.

It certainly isn't obvious that the oppostite of finding the gradient should be to find an area. we will look at this in more detail later (although it is beyond A-level and is not part of this course).

Indefinite Integration

Indefinite integration is just another word for anti-differentiation.

In other words, in C1 integration is just the opposite of differentiation.

Let's have a look at the notation...

∫ 2x dx, is read "the integral of 2x with respect to x." Which means: "what do you differentiate (with respect to x to get 2x?

And we know from differentiation that the answer is x2.

...or x2 + 1... or x2 + 43... or x2 - 6298...

There are infinitely many functions that when differentiated give 2x. They are all x2 ± something, so we write the answer as x2 + C, where "C" is called the constant of integration and could be any number, positive or negative or zero.

I could give you a clue as to what "C" could be. I am thinking of a function f (x) that, when differentiated, gives f '(x) = 2x. Furthermore, when x = 2, f (x) = 9. What is my function?

By the way, this is called indefinite integration because we don't get a fixed number as the answer. Remember what I said about integration being about finding areas? Well, areas are fixed numbers and shouldn't involve variables like x. You will learn about definite integration in C2.

Remember that all we can differentiate/integrate must look like axn, where a and n are numbers.

Let's have a look at a couple of exam questions - one easy, the other more involved.